Logitech recently announced the G502, a mouse that is specifically geared towards gaming and ones who want to get really high DPI, roughly 12,000 if they would like. Even though many people still only use a DPI setting in between 2,000-3,000, it hasn’t stopped Logitech from making such a high DPI sensor which they entitled “Proteus Core”. They do say, however, that the sensor has zero acceleration, zero smoothing or filtering, and zero pixel rounding.
I was actually pretty let down that my mouse, the G700S, did not have the removable weights like many other Logitech mice. The fact that they added removable weights and in a decent styling makes for a pleasing aesthetic look. An additional feature about the weights on this mouse compared to other mice is that one can adjust where the center of balance is. I prefer the center of balance to be around the back of the mouse. Others may want it out on the center or up front. Either way, this makes for an extremely adjustable experience.
However, unlike the G700S that has 13 programmable buttons, the G502 only features 11 programmable buttons and they they seem to be really ergonomical. What the G502 does that many other mice do not is have two buttons right by the left-click. With these buttons one can change the DPI or even set it to something else like volume up and volume down. With the user profiles one can switch back and forth and each profile can have a different key mapping for each one. With my G700S I made a profile that was specifically geared towards photoshop/shortcut keys for general use, makes things incredibly faster.
In all, I would recommend the G502 if you see that you want the best gaming grade Logitech mouse. If you are not that interested in the DPI sensor or the adjustable weights, the G700S is another great option.
This has been Nickster258
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